I am Chuan !
SpringMVC Http Message Converters
Quick note about spring mvc http message converter. Especially thanks to this post by Eugen Paraschiv.
SpringMVC RequestMapping
Quick note about request mapping annotations in SpringMVC controller
NodeJS Mongoose
Quick note about Mongoose. Code demo
AngularJS Form
AngularJS provides a small and well-defined set of constructs that make standard form-based operations easier. For a form, we should consider three points:
Spring SpEL
Quick note after learning Spring SpEL. Code Demo
Spring Beans Autowire
This is quick note after learning Spring autowire.
Hibernate Session
Session interface is a single threaded object between Java application and the persistence layer. Session opens a single database connection when it is created, and holds onto it until the session is closed. It is mainly to offer CRUD operations on the persistent object which is loaded by Hibernate from the database.
Struts errors and messages from action
I had a problem today when developing a login system to learn struts. How to transfer easily the error and messages from action, and show them on jsp pages.
Struts OGNL
OGNL stands for Object Graph Navigation Language.
Adapter Pattern
Adapter Pattern
My Popular Repositories
"Gradle User Guide" Chinese version
Gitbook : Java Interview Question
Yummy Jekyll Theme
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J2EE - Company Transaction Management