AngularJS Form


AngularJS provides a small and well-defined set of constructs that make standard form-based operations easier. For a form, we should consider three points:

  1. Allowing user input
  2. Validating those inputs against business rules
  3. Submitting the data to the backend server

form in AngularJS is extend from html form. Now it’s a directive. When Angular encounters the form tag, it executes the form directive. This directive creates an instance of a special Angular class FormController that is made available to us on the current scope. It’s this controller which provides an API to check and manipulate the state of the form. The same as ng-model which creates an instance of NgModelController.


It already has built-in support for validating. Validations are automatically setup by AngularJS according to:

  • Input type - text, numbers, e-mails, URLs, radios, checkboxes, and a few others. (such as <intput type='email'/>).
  • Validation attributes - required, min, max, and custom attributes such as ng-pattern, ng-minlength, and ng-maxlength.
<!-- novalidate is used to disable browser's native form validation -->
<form name="form" novalidate>
    <label for="form-name">Name:</label>
    <input name="formName" id="form-name" class="form-control" type="text" ng-model="" required/>
    <label ng-show="form.formName.$error.required && form.formName.$dirty" class="text-danger">Name is required</label>

So AngularJS will check required attribute. When input is empty, the error label will be shown.

More details, from directive creates an instace of FormController and published into the scope using the name attribute. Then the inside ng-model create NgModelController and published as a property of the form instance using the name attribute. $error and $dirty is of NgModelController.


It contains a list of all errors for the specific ng-model directive. From above example, required is validation attribute. So to check the validation, we need to follow this format:


For example:

formName.inputName.$error.required // For required
formName.inputName.$error.number   // For type="number"
formName.inputName.$error.pattern  // For ng-pattern

When validation is failing, $error.validation will be true. We could use it to decide whether to show error messages.

States by ng-model

Besides $error, every element that uses ng-model — including input, textarea, and select — has states defined on the associated model controller:

  • $pristine: True if user does not interact with the input. Any updates to the input field and $pristine is set to false. Once false, it never flips, unless we call the $setPristine() function on the model controller.
  • $dirty: Reverse of $pristine. This is true when the input data has been updated. This gets reset to false if $setPristine() is called.
  • $touched: True if the control ever had focus.
  • $untouched: True if the control has never lost focus.
  • $valid: True if there are validations defined on the input element and none of them are failing.
  • $invalid: True if any of the validations defined on the element are failing.

So from above example:

<label ng-show="form.formName.$error.required && form.formName.$dirty" class="text-danger">Name is required</label>

If there is no form.formName.$dirty, the validation message is shown as soon as we load the form. When user never interacts with the input, $pristine is true and $pristine is false. So here, the error message will never be shown until user begins to interact with the input.

CSS to an input element

Based on the model state, Angular also adds some CSS classes automatically to an input element.

  • ng-valid/ng-invalid: This is used if the model is valid or not
  • ng-pristine/ng-dirty: This is used if the model is pristine or ng-dirty.
  • ng-untouched/ng-touched: This is used when the input is never visited or not.
  • ng-invalid-<errorkey>/ng-valid-<errorkey>: This is used for a specific failed/sucessed validation.
  • ng-empty/ng-not-empty: This is used if the model is empty or not

For example, when we check the page by Inspect of browser (not your own code), we could find a list of class already added in input:

<input type="text" name="test" class="ng-pristine ng-untouched ng-invalid ng-invalid-required" ...>

When we type something, it could change to:

<input type="text" name="test" class="ng-dirty ng-touched ng-valid ng-valid-required" ...>

So we could customize input element by these classes according to different state. For example: {
	border:1px solid blue;

Points to be careful

If data in the model is invalid, it does not show up in the view and the view element is empty.

For example, we set age value as “2” in controller in init method. But on the view, we set a “min=’5’” validation. So the input is empty when we load page.

Error messages by ng-messages

ng-messages and ng-message that allow us to show/hide error messages with a less verbose syntax. It’s better to use them to show validation errors instead of ng-show/ng-hide.

To use them, we need to add angular-messages.js and add ngMessages module.

Think about a lot of validation in one input:

<form name="form" novalidate>
    <label for="test">Demo:</label>
    <input type="number" name="test" id="test" ng-model="user.demo" min="1" ng-pattern="/^-?\d+$/" required>
    <label ng-show="form.test.$dirty && form.test.$error.required" class="text-danger">Required</label>
    <label ng-show="form.test.$dirty && form.test.$error.number" class="text-danger">Must be number</label>
    <label ng-show="form.test.$dirty && form.test.$error.min" class="text-danger">Min 1</label>
    <label ng-show="form.test.$dirty && form.test.$error.pattern" class="text-danger">Must in right format</label>

We could change it to:

<form name="form" novalidate>
    <label for="test">Demo:</label>
    <input type="number" name="test" id="test" ng-model="user.demo" min="1" ng-pattern="/^-?\d+$/" required>
	<div ng-messages="form.test.$error" ng-if="form.test.$dirty">
        <label ng-message="required" class="text-danger">Required</label>
        <label ng-message="number" class="text-danger">Must be number</label>
        <label ng-message="min" class="text-danger">Min 1</label>
        <label ng-message="pattern" class="text-danger">Must in right format</label>


With above example, each time, only one message will be shown. (Always the upper one has higher priority). When user typed “-1”, both $error.min and $error.pattern will be true. But only error message for min will be shown. To avoid this problem:

<div ng-messages="..." ng-messages-multiple>

Message reuse and override


Because many messages are the same in a big and complex form, we could reuse them by defining all messages in a sepereted file:

<div ng-message="required">This field is required</div>
<div ng-message="minlength">This field is too short</div>
<div ng-message="maxlength">This field is too long</div>
<div ng-message="required">This field is required</div>
<div ng-message="email">This needs to be a valid email</div>

And include it by ng-messages-include:

<div ng-messages="form.test.$error" ng-if="form.test.$dirty">
     <div ng-messages-include="fileName.html"></div>    


If generic messages are not enough to match all input fields, we could override messages defined in the remote template by redefining them within the directive container.

<div ng-messages="form.test.$error" ng-if="form.test.$dirty">
    <div ng-message="required">Override the required message</div>
    <!-- Must put override ones above template -->

    <div ng-messages-include="fileName.html"></div>    

Custom validation

There two ways to create a custom validation:

  1. By AngularJS-UI
  2. By our own directive

By AngularJS-UI

Check AngularJS-UI

By our onw directive

Define a directive:

// A validation works like a blacklist, user input can not be in this list
app.directive('blacklist', function(){ 
    return {
        require: 'ngModel',
        link: function(scope, elem, attr, ngModel) {

            var blacklist = attr.blacklist.split(',');

            //For DOM -> model validation
            ngModel.$parsers.unshift(function(value) {
                var valid = blacklist.indexOf(value) === -1;
                ngModel.$setValidity('blacklist', valid);
                return valid ? value : undefined;

            //For model -> DOM validation
            ngModel.$formatters.unshift(function(value) {
                ngModel.$setValidity('blacklist', blacklist.indexOf(value) === -1);
                return value;

Add it in input element:

<form name="form">
   <input type="text" name="type" ng-model="data.fruitName" blacklist="coconuts,bananas,pears" required/>
   <span ng-show="myForm.fruitName.$error.blacklist"> The phrase "" is blacklisted</span>
   <span ng-show="myForm.fruitName.$error.required">required</span>


Form in Angular has a different role to play as compared to traditional html form that posts data to the server. We could not find action attribute. So how to submit data?!

The standard form behavior of posting data to the server using full-page post-back does not make sense with a SPA framework such as AngularJS. In Angular, all server requests are made through AJAX invocations originating from controllers, directives, or services. While the traditional one will refresh the whole page.

So two ways to do it:

  1. By ng-submit
<form name="form" ng-submit="submit()">
   <button type="submit" ng-disabled="form.$invalid">Submit</button>
  1. By binding function to the button directly
<form name="form">
    <button ng-click="submit()" ng-disabled="form.$invalid">Submit</button>

Then, we need to know that from controller also has some APIs and properties as model controller:

  • $setValidity(validationKey, status, childController): This is similar to the $setValidity API of NgModelController but is used to set the validation state of the model controller inside form controller.
  • $setDirty(): This is used to mark the form dirty.
  • $setPristine(): This is used to make the form pristine. This is often used to mark the form pristine after persisting the data to server. The $setPristine call propagates to all model controllers registered with the form, so all child inputs are also set back to the pristine state.
  • $setUntouched(): This is used to mark the form untouched. This is mostly called in sync with $setPristine, after data is submitted.

Other than the state manipulation API, there are some handy properties:

  • $pristine
  • $dirty
  • $valid
  • $invalid
  • $error

They are similar to model controller properties except for the $error property. It’s in fact a bit more complex. It aggregates all failures across all contained inputs. The $error’s property corresponds to the failing error condition and the value is an array of controllers that are invalid. For example, If there are three required errors, $error.required should be an array with three controllers with this kind of error.

Any way, we use the $invalid property of the form controller to verify if there are validation errors before we perform a submit.

<button ng-class="{'btn-default':formName.$valid,'btn-warning':formName.$invalid}" ng-click="submit()" ng-disabled="formName.$invalid">Submit</button>

So submit button will only be available when no validation errors of its elements. We also use $valid/$invalid to set css :D.

Points to be careful

In general, instead of disabling a submit button, we prefer to inform user all validation errors when user clicks submit button. If we remove ng-disabled, when user loads the page and clicks submit button directly without touching others. Nothing is submitted as the form is invalid, but validation errors on its child elements like input do not show up at all. Look at one label:

<label ng-show="form.formName.$error.required && form.formName.$dirty" class="text-danger">Name is required</label>

form.formName.$dirty disables validation messages until user has touched the element. It’s why here.

So in submit(), we could set a flag to fix this problem.

$scope.submit = function () {

    $scope.submitted = true; // Will force validations
    if ($scope.form.$invalid) return; // Nothing will be submitted if invalid!

    $scope.submitted = false;

    // Other operations

So now update label:

<label ng-show="form.formName.$error.required && (submitted || form.formName.$dirty)" class="text-danger">Name is required</label>

When user clicks submit button, we force validation to be true!. But still a problem here, we need to repeat this fix on all labels and a little complex to read. So why not create a function because all validations need to check submitted

$scope.hasError = function (modelController, error) {
  return (modelController.$dirty || $scope.submitted) && error;

So now update label again:

<label ng-show="hasError(formName.inputName, formName.inputName.$error.required)" class="text-danger">Name is required</label>

For the moment, we only need to pass model controller and its validation without caring the conditions!


The standard way to reset a form is to call the reset method on the form object such as document.forms["formName"].reset() or to use type="reset" for a button.

But we could also define a function by ourselves to add on the reset button

$scope.reset = function () {
	// Restore other parameters
	// Other things to do


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