I am Chuan !
Android GestureDetector
Quick note about learning GestureDetector and ScaleGestureDetector.
Android Shape Drawable
Quick note about learning Android Shape Drawable. It is an XML file defining a geometric shape, including colors and gradients.
Android ListActivity
ListActivity is to simplify the handling of ListView. It extends Activity and provides simplified handling of lists.
Android Fragment
Quick note about learning Building a Dynamic UI with Fragments
Android Toolbar
Quick note about learning Training : Adding the App Bar
CSS Animation
Quick note about CSS animation.
MySQL Index
Quick note about MySQL Index.
MyBatis with Spring
Quick note about MyBatis with Spring. It’s a summary from official site mybatis-spring. Code demo: A simple SpingMVC + Mybatis Helloworld
MyBatis association collection and discriminator
Quick note about MyBatis association, collection and discriminator.
MyBatis config and CRUD
Quick note about MyBatis configuration and CRUD.
My Popular Repositories
"Gradle User Guide" Chinese version
Gitbook : Java Interview Question
Yummy Jekyll Theme
My personnal website
J2EE - Company Transaction Management